
To ensure that our club is sustainable and operates correctly, it is important that we follow the principles of Good Governance.

Governance is the process by which a group of people (the club committee) make decisions that direct the collective efforts of the club. In order for this to work, there must be clear communication between the committee and the members of the club.

Governance simply describes the way that we govern or manage the activities of the club. It can be helpful to break governance down into four key areas

  • the committee members
  • how the committee is structured
  • how the structures work together
  • the tasks and roles that are fulfilled

As part of this process of governance, it is vital that our ways of working are documented. The following is a list of our clubs more important documents which our club members and visitors should be aware of. Please feel free to read them at your leisure.


The Club Constitution
Our Vision, Mission & Values
Coaches Code of Conduct
Players Code of Conduct
Parents & Guardians Code of Conduct
Spectators Code of Conduct
Equity Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Club Colours, Fonts and Logos